This is another variant of a full combat build. Full Combat Build - Combat (see link for credit) I like this build, and it has a serious approach to being able to take on Death March, if that’s your thing.Ħ. It increases survivability and uses early strengths and resources to build. This is a handy build for making use of alchemy paired with a handy dose of sword-swinging. Combat and Alchemy Hybrid - Combat/Alchemy (see link for credit) Witcher 3 - Late-End game Hybrid Build for 2020 7. Be careful to watch your health with this one. This build is propelled by adrenaline points. It is very effective for hacking, slashing, and beating the crap out of everything using your sword and wits. This build for those who shun magic and signs. If you haven’t played these yet, why not? Seriously. Warning: some of these builds draw upon the Blood and Wine and Heart of Stone expansions. There are countless ways to create builds (and a million of them found on the internet) so tweak to your heart’s desire, but here’s a list of ten I find to be particularly helpful and/or interesting. I turned the game off and didn’t play again for a full year. To say I found the character-building overwhelming at first glance is an understatement. I joined the Witcher craze with Witcher 3 then worked backward. The options available in this game are mind-boggling, particularly to a new player. One of the most rewarding aspects of an RPG can be the character building, but anyone playing Witcher 3 knows this can also be the most challenging.